JGD-USA’s Adult Programs form the foundation of our organization. Through the “Creative Expressions Songwriting Workshop,” every institution we serve receives new musical instruments (12 guitars, 1 electric keyboard, 6 Cajons, and 1 Drum Kit) for the participants to learn, play and rehearse with during instructional time. These instruments then become the property of the facility, which allows students to continue their learning and collaboration between sessions. During the workshop, participants create 5-7 person working groups. Each group collaborates by composing one to two original songs per session, coached by our professional Teaching Artists. At the end of the session, all participant groups perform the original songs for one another and discuss their creative process. The Adult Programs run in 12 to 16-week cycles on one to two yards per facility.
please send me more information on your Adult Programs >
”Each JGD class is a rare opportunity for teachers and students to use creative expression and music to briefly escape the suffocating limitations of everyday life.”
Paul Nicoll – Teaching Artist, Twin Towers Correctional Facility